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About Me

Hello! I’m Liz, a licensed professional counselor, writer, and a lifelong learner passionate about the intricacies of human emotion and resilience. Through my personal and professional journey, I've navigated the profound waters of grief, transformation, and healing. My blog, "Liz’s Unheard Voice," is a testament to these experiences, offering insights into mental health, personal growth, and the power of understanding.

transcendence into spirit

Professional and Personal Journey

With decades of experience in counseling, combined with my own experiences as a mother and a stepmother, I bring a unique perspective to the topics I write about. I've raised children across different decades, managed the challenges of a blended family, and found profound healing in the wake of losing a child. My writing blends professional knowledge with deep personal insights, aiming to support and inspire those facing similar challenges.

Purpose of My Blog

This blog started as a space to vocalize thoughts and emotions that often went unheard. I hope it will grow into a community where we explore various aspects of life—from the challenges of parenting to navigating grief, and from understanding the self to exploring spiritual growth. Here, I share my journey in the hopes of offering solace and understanding to others.

Interests and Values

I am deeply interested in meditation, the evolution of consciousness, and the healing powers of writing and open communication. My approach is holistic, considering both traditional counseling techniques and alternative healing methods, such as meditation and spirituality.

Join Our Community

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Hit the subscribe button below to connect with others who share your journey. Your voice is valuable here. Welcome to L.U.V! 

Support Liz's Unheard Voices

Dear Friends,


Creating and maintaining Liz's Unheard Voice is a labor of love for me. I pour my heart and soul into every article, striving to offer support, insight, and encouragement to all who visit.


If you've found value in my words, I invite you to consider supporting this endeavor. Your generous donations will help sustain the website, fund future articles, and enable me to continue sharing stories that matter.


No donation is too small, and each contribution is deeply appreciated. Your support allows me to dedicate more time and resources to this passion project, helping it grow and reach more people who may benefit from its message.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Your kindness and generosity mean the world to me.


Warm regards,


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Liz's Unheard Voice

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