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  • Writer's pictureLiz

Echoes in the Noise: The Voices Never Heard

The artwork visualizes the concept of information overload. It features a vast landscape filled with scattered papers and digital screens, symbolizing the overwhelming flow of information. A single silhouette of a person stands in the foreground, thoughtfully looking out over this chaotic scene, embodying the individual's challenge in navigating the sea of data. The color palette is muted, with blues and grays, and subtle hints of brighter colors suggesting insights hidden within the overwhelming nature of information.
Liz's Unheard Voice

The Impact of Information Overload and Cognitive Shortcuts

As I settled into the warmth of a soothing bath, the haunting melody of Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence" filled the room. As Paul Simon's voice gently weaved through the lyrics, a particular line struck a chord deep within me, causing my heart to clench in a mixture of pain and revelation.

" And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

No one dared

Disturb the sound of silence"

Tears began to flow, not for myself, but for all the lost voices in our society—voices brimming with potential to foster growth and understanding yet stifled under the deafening roar of an oversaturated information landscape.

In that moment of vulnerability, my own fears and insecurities surfaced. There was a fear that despite having something meaningful to say, my voice would just be another whisper lost in the invisible winds. It wasn't that my message lacked importance; rather, it was the overwhelming flood of information that drowned it out, leaving little room for truly beneficial insights to surface. I reflected on numerous conversations with aspiring writers, philosophers, and thinkers who shared similar frustrations. Talented individuals who remained hidden -- shadows in a world where visibility often hinged on how many likes one could muster or how many fake reviews could boost one's visibility.

Witnessing groups formed solely to exchange likes and inflate popularity rankings, I understood the mechanics of social validation and the cognitive biases that steer our choices. My background in cognitive and social psychology provided a shield against these manipulations, allowing me to see past the superficial metrics that so often dictate success. But this knowledge led me to a pressing question: how many others, lacking this understanding, fall prey to this rigged game? How many significant voices are we losing because our attention is captured by those who shout the loudest or pay the most for visibility?

This reflection is not just a personal lament but a call to acknowledge and address the profound implications of our current information ecosystem. It is a plea for a deeper consideration of how we measure the value of what we read, listen to, and watch.

A Journey Through Grief and the Silencing of Suffering

After my son died, I struggled to find my voice in the chaos that surrounded me. As a counselor, I was familiar with the processes of grief, yet our Western culture often left something crucial unaddressed. Society prioritized positivity and moving forward, encouraging mourners to find solace in healing stories and happy endings. But the relentless push to “look on the bright side” dulled the reality of the pain.

Despite knowing that my grief was valid, I felt increasingly hopeless when sharing my experience. I began to recognize that my voice, and those of countless others who suffered, were being overshadowed. Society valued and amplified messages of optimism and resilience, while those speaking from the depths of sorrow and adversity were tuned out. The world seemed to prioritize the happy, silencing those who had the raw, painful stories that could illuminate the challenges and gaps in our systems.

People who have never known the struggles of life offer their polished solutions with unrealistic expectations, reinforcing a stigma against those unable to fit their narratives. Instead of providing space for open dialogue and genuine support, we offer empty answers and dismissal. These answers, devoid of true empathy, only deepen the wounds of individuals and society as a whole.

History holds many examples of this suppression of suffering, where growth was stifled because voices were disregarded. The AIDS crisis of the 1980s is one such case. The suffering of those affected was ignored and stigmatized by a society that feared acknowledging the reality of the disease. The reluctance to listen to those in the LGBTQ+ community delayed crucial research, medical support, and societal acceptance. Voices that could have brought about earlier understanding and change were drowned out by discrimination and willful ignorance.

These historical examples highlight our current problem: society limits growth when it ignores the voices of those who have experienced hardship firsthand. If we don't listen to their calls for change and support, we risk continuing a cycle of shallow solutions that don't address our real challenges.

In learning to listen past the noise, we create space for a diversity of voices that can offer meaningful insights, reveal gaps in our understanding, and ultimately lead to greater compassion and progress.

As we navigate the overwhelming seas of information that flood our daily lives, it becomes evident that not all voices are treated equally. This imbalance is not just a feature of the digital world but extends into the very fabric of our societal interactions. When we consider the narratives around grief and loss, a stark example emerges of how societal preferences for positivity can actively suppress the voices that most need to be heard. My personal journey highlights this imbalance, revealing how societal filters of information can distort or silence the truths we attempt to share.

his artwork captures the emotional and chaotic nature of the issue
Liz's Unheard Voice

The Constraints of Information Freedom

In the face of overwhelming choice and societal conditioning that favors the cheerful over the challenging, we encounter not just a personal dilemma but a cultural crisis. This crisis manifests in the constraints of information freedom—where freedom paradoxically becomes a limitation as it funnels us toward conforming to the norm, relying on cognitive shortcuts to guide us in the choices that inform us.

The suppression of the full spectrum of human experience, is symptomatic of an even larger issue: our societal systems are designed to elevate information that reinforces existing beliefs and marginalizes voices that challenge them. This is evident in many aspects of our lives, from the media we consume to the policies we support, which are often influenced by those with the loudest voices rather than the most insightful.

Our challenge, then, is to navigate these constrained freedoms and find ways to elevate voices that offer not just comfort, but also growth and transformation. We must question the algorithms and editorial choices that determine what we see and hear, pushing for systems that prioritize diversity of thought and depth of insight over simplicity and sensationalism.

By understanding these constraints, we can begin to advocate for a more inclusive information landscape—one that values all voices, especially those that challenge us to think differently and act conscientiously.

Strategies for Navigating the Information Jungle


Faced with a relentless flood of information, it's essential to find ways to navigate this jungle effectively. By recognizing how cognitive shortcuts influence our decisions, we can better control the information we consume. Here are some practical strategies:


  1. Curate Your Sources: Carefully choose which news outlets, blogs, or social media accounts to follow. Limit your daily intake to a few reliable sources that prioritize quality over sensationalism. Trustworthy recommendations from friends, experts, or curated lists can help refine your selection.

  2. Engage in Critical Thinking: Don't just accept headlines at face value. Read articles thoroughly, question their premises, and verify data through multiple sources. Be aware of potential biases in how information is presented.

  3. Take Breaks and Reflect: Give yourself time to step back from the noise. Digital detoxes and mindfulness practices help reduce anxiety and allow you to reflect on the quality and usefulness of the information you've encountered.

  4. Support Diverse Voices: Actively seek out perspectives from marginalized groups or lesser-known voices. Engaging with a range of viewpoints enriches your understanding and contributes to a more balanced discourse.

  5. Practice Mindfulness in Consumption: Avoid passive scrolling and prioritize reading content that aligns with your personal and professional goals. Be deliberate about what you choose to engage with, creating space for intentional learning.

  6. Encourage Constructive Conversations: Foster dialogue with friends, family, or colleagues about complex topics rather than relying solely on media consumption. Thoughtful exchanges help reveal blind spots and build a deeper understanding of issues.

By integrating these practices into daily life, we can reclaim our agency in a world of information overload. Empowering ourselves with strategies for mindful consumption allows us to elevate authentic voices and rediscover valuable insights, nurturing growth both personally and as a society.



The overwhelming din of modern media leaves many voices unheard and valuable ideas overshadowed. However, by cultivating mindful consumption, we can amplify those voices that truly contribute to our understanding, compassion, and collective growth. Each of us has the power to choose wisely, to listen deeply, and to share thoughtfully.


In navigating this landscape, it's essential to curate our information with intention, foster meaningful conversations, and embrace diverse perspectives. Only then can we elevate the voices of those who offer genuine solutions and create a future where knowledge and compassion lead us forward.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. How do you navigate information overload, and what strategies have helped you prioritize quality? What perspectives do you think are missing from the broader conversation? Share your views and posts in the comments below or on social media, and let's continue this vital dialogue together.



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If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.

Liz's Unheard Voice

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