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  • Writer's pictureLiz

Finding Solace in Nature Amidst a World of Destruction

Sometimes, I find myself yearning to escape the constraints of the living world, to retreat into the embrace of nature and the universe. There’s a serenity that comes from simply stopping to smell the roses, a sense of wonder that fills my soul every time I walk outside and gaze at the stars. Yet, this wonder is often overshadowed by a deep-seated disdain for those who destroy the very beauty they should cherish.

I marvel at the intricate designs of ancient caves, the silent whispers of history etched into their walls. But my heart aches knowing that these sacred spaces, once open for all to explore and connect with, are now barred by the chains of power and greed. Why must knowledge and education be prerequisites for such exploration? Why can’t we all practice our beliefs and immerse ourselves in these ancient spots without facing barriers?

This frustration grows as I witness the world’s relentless consumption, the way people take from the earth as if it’s their right to control and hoard. The land, the water, the air – all held as if they are trophies of power rather than gifts to be shared and revered. It’s this paradox that fuels my longing to disconnect from the living world, to escape to a place where nature is pure and untainted by human hands.

In moments of reflection, I wonder why this disdain is so profound. Is it because I see the potential for beauty and harmony, only to watch it be dismantled? Is it because the disconnect between humanity and nature feels insurmountable? Or perhaps it’s because my soul aches for a world where ancient wisdom and modern existence can coexist without conflict.

The allure of the universe, the pull of the stars – these are the things that ground me, that remind me of the vastness beyond our everyday lives. It’s in these moments that I find peace, a fleeting sense of belonging that the living world often denies. But this peace is bittersweet, for it’s laced with the knowledge that the very forces that comfort me are threatened by those who seek to dominate rather than coexist.

I reflect on my place in this world, torn between a love for its natural wonders and a disdain for the destruction I witness. My heart yearns to be part of something greater, to connect with the ancient and the timeless, yet I feel hindered by a society that prioritizes power over preservation.

So, I find solace where I can – in the quiet moments under a starlit sky, in the gentle rustle of leaves, in the untouched corners of nature that still whisper of a world uncorrupted. And I hold onto the hope that one day, the living world will awaken to the beauty it so carelessly destroys, and we can all find a way to coexist in harmony, honoring the ancient wisdom that binds us to the earth and the stars.


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"If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning."

Liz's Unheard Voice

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