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Grief in the Absence of Justice: Dylan's Story

 This image portrays an empty bench in a misty park, which captures the feeling of solitude and the emotional weight representing injustice
Liz's Unheard Voice

Losing a loved one is a profoundly personal journey, intensified by the agony of knowing their death might have been preventable. "Grief in the Absence of Justice: Dylan's Story" explores this delicate terrain, sharing the devastating loss of Dylan—a beacon of kindness, whose life was tragically cut short. This article not only honors Dylan's memory but also advocates for necessary changes in the justice system to prevent such needless tragedies in the future.

This post reflects the raw grief and frustration felt by navigating a justice system that felt more traumatizing than reassuring. In my bewilderment and grief, I find myself trying to channel my emotions into writing Dylan’s story. Not because it will bring him back, but because it’s the only way I know how to keep his spirit alive and demand that the system changes so others won’t suffer the same fate. I write this to honor Dylan and highlight the desperate need for accountability. Dylan’s absence echoes painfully through my heart every day, and I refuse to let his story be forgotten.

Dylan’s Story:

The Day Everything Changed

Dylan was the epitome of compassion and humility, living out the truths found in songs like "Humble and Kind" and "Simple Man." He constantly looked out for others, embodying a spirit that the world sorely needs. However, his life was abruptly cut short on August 13, 2022.  On a fateful day in August, he would leave his younger brother's ninth birthday celebration to take a walk but would tragically never return home. I was woken to a new nightmare I was sure I could not survive.

The Call That Changed Everything

It was only three days after Dylan’s death, I received a call that forever altered my view of our justice system. The prosecutor informed me that the driver, although intoxicated, would not face manslaughter charges due to gaps in Missouri law. My response was one of visceral pain—hysterical screams that echoed the walls of my home, as the cruel reality set in.

This call was not just a notification; it was a brutal awakening to a flawed justice system. As I struggled to absorb this information, questions swirled in my mind about the efficacy and fairness of Missouri law. How could it be that a man could drink, drive, and end a life, and not face charges that accurately reflected the gravity of his actions?

A Broken System – Who’s to Blame?   

In the following days, as I grappled with my grief, I learned more about the man who killed Dylan. His extensive history of violence and repeated offenses highlighted severe failures in our legal system. This man, whose past was marked by disregard for the law, had been allowed to roam free, ultimately leading to my son’s untimely death. The harsh truth that he was not in jail on the night he killed Dylan, due to the judicial system's leniency, fueled my fight for justice.

The more I uncovered about his past, the more I wrestled with an agonizing question: Who was the real perpetrator here? The man behind the wheel or the county officials who repeatedly set him free?

The man who struck Dylan, with a history of alcohol-related offenses, never even braked. Video evidence shows that he simply kept driving down the road, only pulling over briefly to inspect his vehicle and text his friends about the incident before continuing onward as if nothing had happened. When he was finally brought back to the scene, he showed no remorse for what he had done, instead yelling obscenities at my husband and I as we stood in the road trying to process the shock.

This driver had a previous DWI conviction in his past, but because it was over five years old, it is not counted against him. Furthermore, he was driving without a valid license, a grim pattern that mirrored his complete disregard for the law. Dylan's life was taken by a man who shouldn’t have been behind the wheel that night, a man whose prior behavior clearly demonstrated his unwillingness to respect others' safety.

Richard's extensive criminal record paints a grim picture of a man repeatedly slipping through the cracks of a justice system that seems more concerned with technicalities than with the safety of its citizens. From multiple charges of domestic assault to numerous probation violations, his pattern of harmful behavior was well-documented yet insufficiently penalized.

Just 22 hours prior he had made a court appearance—where once again, his motion to revoke his probation was overturned—leaving my son in harm’s way. The horror and shock of learning that he could have been stopped, that my son's death could have been prevented, left me broken. My heart shattered knowing that the system failed, that a man who should have been in jail was given another chance and took away my son’s future in the cruelest way.

Grief and Loss, Loss of a Son, Injustice quotes, "How many more mothers must grieve before the system acknowledges its failures? How many more lives will be disregarded? This isn't just my fight; it's a battle for every voice stifled by injustice."
Liz's Unheard Voice

Fighting for Justice

The battle for justice was draining. Faced with a prosecutor who seemed to view the case as a mere checkbox, I felt utterly powerless. Each attempt to advocate for Dylan was met with bureaucratic apathy, pushing me into a state of despair.

No matter what I said or did my efforts felt in vain. They charged him only with hit-and-run, a case they saw as rock-solid, as they couldn't prove reckless or negligent driving.  The rationale to the Missouri Prosecutor: His vehicle age meant it lacked a computer to obtain his speed and the video did not show him swerving. If he had swerved, my son would have been saved, I would scream but nobody appeared to hear me!

To me, this fell far short of justice. When the prosecutor raised his voice with me after a court hearing, I finally retreated, my head bowed in defeat. There was nothing I could do or say would change the outcome. The prosecutor had determined the case's direction from the start, dismissing Dylan as just another file. He considered it a win. I can honestly without a doubt say I have never felt more powerless in my life to not be able to advocate for my son.

Left to relive my pain over and over, I watched the video repeatedly, powerless to change the past. The lack of compassion and dismissive attitude from those meant to seek justice revealed a harsh truth: Dylan didn't receive the justice he deserved.

The Ultimate Betrayal

The journey toward justice for me had an added personal undertone. It would bring back painful memories of my experiences with Dustin's father, where I had witnessed firsthand the harm that violence and alcohol could inflict on a family. Dustin’s father had been charged with Intoxicated Manslaughter in a no-fault accident within the state of Texas when he was just a child. He has lost his father to the judicial system, forced to pay consequences for his father’s choices. Once again alcohol was coming back into my children’s lives as if he hadn’t already suffered enough. The irony being I didn’t even drink!

The sense of betrayal I felt was profound. How could a man with a history of violence, like the one who took Dylan's life, be free to roam the streets, while Dylan—a defender of peace—was left without justice? The judicial system seemed blind to the potential for devastation that such individuals could bring. The parallels between Dylan's tragic fate and my past experiences left me feeling doubly betrayed. This time, I would fight to ensure that the story didn't repeat itself and that no other family would endure such preventable heartbreak.

The ultimate betrayal unfolded in the summer of 2023 when friends began sharing disturbing news about the main prosecutor of St. Charles County. Shockingly, he was facing charges for DWI and domestic harassment—offenses similar to those he was supposed to prosecute. This revelation underscored a severe contradiction: the very person tasked with upholding the law and condemning behaviors that victimize people like us was himself accused of similar misconduct. This stark contrast between the leniency shown to the man responsible for Dylan's death and the consequences faced by the prosecutor raises serious questions about potential bias and the integrity of the judicial process.

This bias eroded my trust in the system and deepened my frustration, ultimately forcing me to confront not only the tragedy of losing my son but also the bitter truth that the system designed to protect us may have been tainted from the start.

Finally, wreathed in anger, I let go and gave up. I told myself I couldn't fight anymore. I lacked the support and couldn't stand on my own. I made one final attempt in December 2023 to speak to the prosecutor and plead Dylan’s case but he refused to listen. His words rang clear “You can talk, but there is nothing you can say that is going to change how I plan to proceed with this case”. With silent tears streaming from my face I would go home left to carry the burden that my voice was silenced when it came to advocating for Dylan.

Finding My Voice Through Writing

As I navigated the labyrinth of grief and injustice that followed Dylan's untimely death, I grappled with feelings of powerlessness. The pain of seeing the system fail Dylan, coupled with the personal trauma of our loss, often left me voiceless—a bystander in my own story. But amidst this profound silence, I discovered an unexpected refuge: writing.

Writing became my sanctuary, a place where I could articulate the depth of my pain and the starkness of the injustice we faced. It allowed me to transform my internal turmoil into words that resonated with clarity and purpose. Each sentence I wrote was a step toward reclaiming the voice that grief had muted. Through blogs, victim statements, and social media posts, I began to piece together my shattered sense of self, finding strength in the very act of storytelling.

Who's Responsible? Questions That Haunt

Asked to write another victim statement I find myself haunted with questions of who to blame:

  • Who is truly responsible for Dylan's untimely demise?

  • Is it solely the man who struck him, or does the blame extend further?

  • How could a man with a well-documented history of violence and disregard for legal constraints repeatedly slip through the cracks of our justice system?

  • Why were his previous offenses, including a prior DWI and multiple instances of domestic violence, not sufficient to keep him detained or under stricter surveillance?

  • What gaps in Missouri law allowed a drunk driver, one who had been in court just hours before causing fatal harm, to walk free without facing manslaughter charges?

  • How is it justifiable that driving under the influence, with a suspended license, and fleeing the scene does not meet the criteria for reckless or negligent driving?

  • What considerations did the judges and prosecutors take into account when deciding to not revoke probation despite multiple violations?

  • Was there any real consideration of the potential danger he posed to the community, or were procedural formalities and legal technicalities prioritized over public safety?

  • What role did victim advocates play, and how could they better support families like mine in navigating the aftermath of such tragedies?

  • Are they adequately trained to handle cases where systemic injustice exacerbates the grief and trauma experienced by victims' families?


These questions highlight a disturbing reality: the system designed to protect and serve appears inadequately equipped or unwilling to address the needs of the most vulnerable. This realization not only fuels my grief but also my resolve. As I continue to seek answers, I advocate for systemic changes to ensure that no other family has to endure such a preventable tragedy.

The responsibility for Dylan's death extends beyond the individual who ended his life; it is shared by every facet of a justice system that failed to act when it mattered most. My quest for answers and accountability persists, driven by the need to honor Dylan's memory and protect others from similar fates.

Even as I navigated these emotions and the complexities of the legal system, I remained determined to share my story in the hope that it would resonate with others who felt silenced and unheard. I realized that finding my voice and speaking out could be the first step toward seeking justice and change, not just for Dylan but for others who might one day face the same failings of a flawed system.

Injustice quotes, systemic failure, grief and loss , "The system's failure to deliver justice for my son is not just a legal oversight—it's a personal betrayal that echoes through every moment of my enduring sorrow."quotes,
Liz's Unheard Voice

Advocacy for Systemic Change

The tragic loss of my son Dylan, coupled with the gross negligence that allowed a repeat offender to walk free, has shown me how the judicial system needs reform. The systemic failures and biases I witnessed highlight the critical changes required to prevent future heartbreak and promote justice for victims and their families. Stricter laws for repeat offenders, comprehensive training for victim advocates, and greater accountability are essential to protect innocent lives.

Dylan’s case serves as a stark example of the systemic neglect that can no longer be ignored. Moreover, it highlights the pervasive biases that exist within our legal framework—from the judges who repeatedly allow dangerous individuals to evade meaningful punishment to the attorneys whose personal biases and legal entanglements may influence their ability to impartially administer justice. These biases not only undermine the fairness of legal proceedings but also erode public trust in the judicial system. Reform must address these biases head-on, ensuring that all judicial officers and legal representatives are held to the highest standards of ethical conduct. This includes rigorous oversight mechanisms to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that justice is administered without favoritism or prejudice.

Resources and Support

For those navigating the complex emotions and legal challenges after losing a loved one, finding the right support is crucial. Below are some resources that can offer guidance, emotional support, and legal advice to help you through these trying times:


National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC): This organization offers a wide range of resources and advocacy for victims of all types of crime. They focus on helping victims rebuild their lives and assert their rights. You can find more about their services and support on their website.

  1. VictimConnect Resource Center: Provides confidential referrals and support for victims of any crime. This service includes counseling, rights information, and help navigating the justice system. For immediate help, you can call their helpline at 1-855-4VICTIM (1-855-484-2846), and for more information, visit their website.

  2. The Compassionate Friends: This organization supports families after the death of a child, offering local chapter meetings, online support, and grief-related resources. Their website provides additional support and information.

  3. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD): Supports victims of drunk and drugged driving. They offer a 24-hour victim helpline (1-877-MADD-HELP or 1-877-623-3435) and assistance in seeking justice. For more details, visit their website.

  4. American Psychological Association (APA) Psychologist Locator: This tool helps you find psychologists who specialize in trauma and grief, critical for maintaining mental health during challenging times. You can search for suitable professionals on their website.

  5. Legal Aid Services: While a specific link isn't provided, you can search for local legal aid services near you through a general search or by visiting a legal aid network's national website like the Legal Services Corporation which offers free legal help to low-income individuals.

Each of these resources can provide critical support in different ways, from legal aid and psychological care to personal advocacy and community support.

These resources aim to empower you and provide the necessary tools and support to navigate your grief and the quest for justice. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and you do not have to face this alone.



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"If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning."

Liz's Unheard Voice

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