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How Dependent Are You on Modern Society? A Self-Reliance Assessment Checklist

Have you ever considered how much we rely on technology and modern conveniences every day? Do you ever imagine if, suddenly, technology was gone. Could you survive? Could you find food, water, or even know what time it was without your phone? The truth is, most of us are very dependent on these conveniences, myself included!

The Reality of Dependency

Think about your daily life. How often do you use your phone to navigate, check the time, or look up information? How many phone numbers do you know by heart? Can you cook a meal from scratch without any pre-packaged ingredients?

The reality is that most of us have become very dependent on technology and other modern conveniences. This dependency extends beyond just physical survival and into our mental and spiritual well-being. We rely on experts for information, pay for self-help courses, and trust in those who seem knowledgeable. Even more concerning is the awareness that many of these experts care more about money than the people or information they are teaching. This also generates a gap between those who can solve problems on their own and those who can’t.



A Self-Reliance Assessment Checklist:


Food and Water

Growing Vegetables and Fruits:

  • Do you know how to start and maintain a vegetable garden?

  • Can you grow fruits and vegetables without relying on store-bought seeds and fertilizers

Identifying Edible Wild Plants:

  • Can you identify at least five edible wild plants in your local area?

  • Do you know which plants are poisonous and should be avoided?

Purifying Water:

  • Do you know how to purify water using natural methods, such as boiling or solar disinfection?

  • Do you have the skills to build a water filtration system from basic materials?


Building Basic Shelters from Natural Materials:

  • Can you build a basic shelter using only natural materials found in your environment?

  • Do you know how to make your shelter weatherproof and insulated?

Insulating a Shelter for Different Weather Conditions:

  • Do you know how to insulate a shelter to stay warm in winter and cool in summer?

  • Have you practiced building different types of shelters for various climates?



Creating and Maintaining a Fire:

  • Can you start a fire without using matches or a lighter?

  • Do you know how to maintain a fire for cooking and warmth?

Harnessing Renewable Energy Sources:

  • Can you set up a small solar panel system to power essential devices?

  • Do you know how to build a simple wind turbine or water wheel?


Living Without Modern Energy Sources:

  • Can you cook meals without electricity or gas?

  • Do you know how to preserve food without refrigeration?



Sewing and Repairing Clothes:

  • Can you sew and repair your clothes by hand?

  • Do you know how to make simple clothing items from scratch?

Creating Fabrics from Natural Resources:

  • Can you spin fibers into yarn or thread?

  • Do you know how to weave or knit basic fabric items?


  • Can you repair your shoes if they become damaged?

  • Do you know how to make basic footwear from natural materials?

  • Do you ever walk bare foot outside, allowing your feet to adapt, in case your left with no shoes?



Basic First Aid:

  • Do you know how to perform CPR and basic first aid?

  • Can you treat common injuries and illnesses using home remedies?


Using Medicinal Plants:

  • Can you identify and use medicinal plants for common ailments?

  • Do you know how to prepare and store herbal remedies?


Navigation and Time

Navigating without a GPS:

  • Can you read a map and use a compass to navigate?

  • Do you know how to use the sun and stars for direction?

Telling Time without a Clock:

  • Can you estimate the time of day by observing the position of the sun?

  • Do you know how to make a simple sundial or use natural indicators to tell time?


Self-Assessment Summary

Count how many questions you answered "No" to. The more "No" answers, the more reliant you are on modern conveniences. This checklist serves as a starting point to identify areas where you can improve your self-reliance and reduce your dependency on technology and modern society.


The Cost of Outsourcing Knowledge

When we rely on others to teach us everything, we miss out on the creative problem-solving process. Paying for a tutorial might save time, but it doesn’t help you develop the same level of understanding as figuring it out on your own. This issue becomes even more significant when it comes to areas like spirituality, mental health, and religion. We often pay for information and accept it without question because we trust the source. However, with AI-generated reviews and falsified ratings, it’s hard to know what’s genuinely valuable.


The Role of Technology and Misinformation

In an era where fake reviews and ratings are common, it’s challenging to trust the information we find online. Have you ever seen a book or a self-help page with glowing reviews, only to find the content is shallow? This deepens our dependence as we trust these seemingly validated sources without critical thinking.


Steps Toward Self-Reliance


Educate Yourself:

Start small by learning basic survival skills. Try gardening, sewing, or cooking from scratch.

Look for reputable sources for information. Check the credentials of experts and ensure they have a history of genuine contributions.


Practice Critical Thinking:

Question the information you receive. Who is providing it? What are their motivations? How can you verify its accuracy?

Engage in problem-solving activities that challenge your creativity and independence.


Build a Community:

Connect with others interested in self-reliance. Share skills, knowledge, and resources.

Participate in local workshops, community gardens, or skill-sharing events.


A Plea to Mentor Within Your Community

To those who have skills necessary for survival, even if it’s just one or a few, please consider volunteering your time to other’s interested in learning. Adopt a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker. I would love to have a grandmother adopt me and teach me all the skills their own children don’t understand the importance of learning!!! It breaks my heart to see knowledge that should be free, once taught by elders and those with more experience, now being sold for large dollar signs. You can get that information, you can teach yourself, and not everyone can afford to pay to go to classes or events to learn these hobbies and skills! Yet it’s always helpful to have mentors and guides in the community as we learn to do it on our own.  

If you are a mentor, please think about who you know that may be interested in learning and take the initiative to ask. If they are introverted, give them a little push if needed! Your guidance and wisdom are invaluable and can help build a stronger, more self-reliant community.


Resources to Get Started

  • Books: “The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It” by John Seymour

  • YouTube Channels:

  • Roots and Refuge Farm

  • Primitive Technology


Final Thoughts

Our increasing dependency on modern conveniences poses a significant risk to our autonomy and resilience. By taking steps to educate ourselves and practice critical thinking, we can reclaim our independence and prepare for any challenges. Start learning from your parents and grandparents while they’re still here. Pick up hobbies that teach you new skills. Time is short, and you never know when these skills might be essential.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment below and share your experiences and ideas on self-reliance. How dependent are you on modern conveniences? Do you know any survival skills? Share your own scores from the checklist and let’s see how we measure up as a community.

If you found this blog insightful, please consider sharing it with friends and family who might benefit. Together, we can raise awareness and encourage each other to become more self-reliant.

Thank you for reading and being a part of this journey towards greater independence and resilience!


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If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.

Liz's Unheard Voice

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