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Reflecting on Acceptance and Denial: A Personal Journey

As I sit outside, soaking in the quiet embrace of nature, my thoughts often drift to Dylan. I find myself wondering if I've truly reached the acceptance stage of grief, or if I am still lingering in denial. It’s a delicate balance that I navigate each day.


I’ve found a way to create a semblance of peace amidst the chaos of loss. Dylan’s pictures are displayed around my home, preserving his memory. Yet, I’ve noticed that I walk past them now without the urge to pick them up and hold them, wishing for him to return. Instead, I walk by them as if he’s just away for the day, maybe at work, and that he might call me later or tomorrow to check in. This strange sense of normalcy sometimes feels like a coping mechanism, a way to keep denial at bay.


Returning to work seems like an insurmountable challenge, but I’ve found a new kind of peace in simply being, rather than constantly doing. It’s a shift that I’m slowly learning to accept—my new role within the family, my new rhythm of life. The days are often quiet, filled with moments where concentration on TV or books eludes me. Instead, I lose myself in reflection.


Despite this, I’ve discovered solace in unexpected places. Arts and crafts, hobbies I never considered before, have become a source of comfort. Venturing out to kids' sporting events and attending graduation parties for friends mark my slow journey towards healing. I am acutely aware of Dylan’s absence, yet I’m finding ways to navigate life without him.


While the five stages of grief are often depicted as a linear process, my experience feels more like a permanent place. Reflecting on my timeline, I remember the days I struggled, cried, and sobbed for my son. Do we ever truly find acceptance, or am I in acceptance while always carrying an essence of denial? This question lingers, reminding me that grief is not a journey with a clear endpoint but a continual process of living with loss.


It’s a peculiar state of being, this blend of healing and awareness. I’m not quite sure which stage of grief I’m in—perhaps it’s a mix of acceptance and denial, coexisting in a delicate dance. Each day brings a new facet of this journey, teaching me to embrace both the peace and the uncertainty.


Thank you for joining me on this reflective journey. Grief is complex and multifaceted, and sharing these thoughts helps me, and hopefully others, find a bit of clarity and solace. Don't forget to hit subscribe and share the post with the links below. If you found this article to resonate, please comment below with your own thoughts into the experience of acceptance and denial.


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If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.

Liz's Unheard Voice

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