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  • Writer's pictureLiz

The Evolution of My Voice: From Personal Healing to Universal Storytelling

This blog and website began as my platform to share my story, a safe space where I hoped that by exposing my traumas, others might learn from my experiences and perhaps avoid similar pitfalls. What started as a personal catharsis filled me with an unexpected love for writing, sparking a profound transformation in how I view and narrate my life's story.

"If they won't listen to me through fact, I will write it in fiction."

Inspiration struck just a few days before Mother's Day—an occasion that traditionally brought me grief. Over this poignant weekend, I began crafting a fictional narrative, not just rich in context and meaning for my own life but expansive enough to resonate with the collective human experience. This new project, a fiction book, emerged as my heartfelt attempt to awaken the world.

As I pour my focus into this upcoming novel, my commitment to this blog remains unshaken. However, the nature of my posts will shift. Moving forward, I will concentrate more on sharing reflections and insights from the lessons I've learned, rather than focusing solely on the events that shaped me.

This evolution in my writing is not just a change in direction, but a deeper engagement with the transformative power of storytelling. Through fiction, I aim to weave tales that not only entertain but also enlighten, offering new perspectives and challenging old paradigms.

I invite you to join me on this journey of storytelling and reflection. Whether through the visceral truths of my personal essays or the crafted narratives of my fiction, I hope to offer a voice that resonates with and inspires all who encounter it.

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If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.

Liz's Unheard Voice

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