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From Past to Present: A Journey of Spiritual Transformation.

A reflection of the spiritual transformation found within nature each morning.
Liz's Unheard Voice

Introduction: Echoes on Identity

As I sit in contemplative solitude, the question "Who was I?" echoes through my memories. Far from mere inquiries into my past, these questions are deep, spiritual explorations of transformation. They delve into understanding the essence of my being, beyond the roles I've played and the scars I've carried.

These questions became essential as I sifted through the remnants of my life trying to form a new "me" after a tremendous loss—a loss that not only took part of my soul but also forced a transformation upon me, one carved out of life's deepest pain and misery. The profound depths of despair I endured compelled me to survive, finding strength in the quiet moments that had once represented solitude.

Who Was I? From Brokenness to Survival

I began life enveloped in love and simplicity, not questioning my existence between my father, mother, and grandmother's nurturing presences. Yet, this innocence gradually receded as family dynamics shifted. My parent's divorce, followed with my father's remarriage, would introduce me to a blended family where underlying tensions contrasted sharply with the outer semblance of unity. I was a child caught in the tumult of adult conflicts, often choosing silence as my refuge, as speaking meant disturbing fragile peace.

This pattern of silence and acquiescence followed me into adolescence, a period marked by rebellion and an eventual flight to my mother’s home. Here, in the throes of early adulthood and motherhood, I faced my first real tests of resilience. I became a mother young and vowed to love and protect my children fiercely, an oath made in the shadow of my own vulnerabilities. The journey was far from easy; the father of my child struggled with mental health and substance issues. My next relationship with Dylan's father would also crumble under the weight of our youthful inexperience. As a young girl and later as a woman, I was thrust into survival mode, navigating a series of negative events that seemed determined to break my spirit.

Vowing to love my children unconditionally, I confronted the stark reality that despite educating myself on child-rearing, my oldest son's behavior defied all logic. This challenge propelled me into a mental health system that often felt more adversarial than supportive. My efforts to establish boundaries and to assert my needs were met with resistance—not just from external systems but from within my own family - who lacked understanding. This journey through academia and professional landscapes taught me much but also highlighted the profound loneliness of being misunderstood and marginalized.

Pursuing my degree, I became a single mother juggling school and parenting, only to watch helplessly as the school and mental health system failed to support my son, Dustin, whose behavior was increasingly incomprehensible and unmanageable. This period shaped not only my career choice but my understanding of the stark limitations within our mental health infrastructure. As a crisis counselor, I learned to set boundaries even as I watched my son's mental health decline, mirroring the struggles I fought within myself.

Life seemed to take a promising turn during my youngest son's last year of high school when I met a wonderful man with three children. Embracing the chaos and joy of a blended family, we found stability and shared many moments of joy. This was especially true with my son Dylan, who had grown to be not just my child but my best friend. Yet, the road was never smooth, marked by both highs and devastating lows. It was a poignant reminder that even the best of times can be fleeting—a valuable lesson I had to learn. As my dreams were once again tested by harsh realities, I came to understand that joy, no matter how profound, is often temporary.

The loss of my beloved son Dylan —a loss that shattered the very essence of my being was a crucible, burning away all pretense and forcing me to confront my grief and fragmented self. In this furnace of sorrow, I was compelled to re-evaluate, "Who am I?", now after such a tremendous loss, what remained of me? This time question did not come with the luxury of philosophical leisure; it was a stark necessity, pushing me toward spiritual awakening.

Who Am I? Embracing Spiritual Enlightenment

The spiritual teachings and the profound texts of Eastern philosophy, introduced me to that pivotal question: "Who am I?" This inquiry became a beacon through my darkest times, especially following the devastating loss of Dylan. His death was a precipice that should have led to my ultimate despair but instead, with time, opened a door to deeper self-awareness and spiritual healing. My spiritual journey has been both a solace and a challenge, it has been messy and complicated, filled with ups and downs.

Though the path has been anything but linear—marked by emotional roller coasters and numerous setbacks—I've found a semblance of peace in spiritual studies that have taught me to view life from a broader perspective. My identity has been reshaped. I have come to view myself not just as a mother, counselor, or victim of circumstance, but as a conscious being, connected to a larger cosmos. This perspective has been crucial in redefining my identity beyond the roles imposed by society or my past.

Conclusion: A Voice Emerges from the Silence

Today, I am a symbol of resilience. The woman who once regarded silence as a haven now views it as an opportunity for introspection and growth. The fears of being unheard have transformed into a courageous voice eager to share, guide, and connect with others. I have embraced writing as a vital step towards healing. It's through sharing my story that I hope to extend a voice to those who feel as lost as I once did. Every word I write is a step toward becoming the person I aspire to be—not defined by my past but informed by it.

In answering "Who am I?" I realize I am more than the sum of my experiences. If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.

This blog is more than a narrative; it is an invitation to walk with me through the transformative power of self-inquiry and spiritual discovery. Let us explore not just who we were, but who we are capable of becoming.

If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.
Liz's Unheard Voice

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If my life’s purpose is to light the way for others, then let my past sufferings serve as beacons of hope and learning.


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Liz's Unheard Voice

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